Type 44 shorthand?

Elliot Rees elliot at excelonline.com
Fri Sep 1 11:08:52 EDT 2000

Can you believe this email?

>>"yea, this may seem like a stupid post, but in the past week i have had 2
listmembers email me asking what a type 44 was.  to the majority who knows,
disregard this..
just makes it easier to say type44 than "'84-'91 5k, 100 and 200"..
sorry for the waste of bandwith..<<

Hey, call me ignorant, but I thought the object of the Audi list is to offer
help to those that have questions about their cars ...
By alienating folks like me by using 'code' such as referring to a car as a
'Type 44' seems pointless.
Knowing what I do about the 1980's GT Coupes, with all the subtle
differences between year models, I doubt using 'Type 44' to classify such a
wide range of years ('84-'91 5k, 100 and 200) is very helpful.

Besides, is typing 'Type 44' (7 keys), shorter than typing '84 5k' (5 keys)

We wouldn't need the Audi list if we all knew the answers! Duh!

Elliot Rees

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