Changing light switch - 89 Audi 100
t44tq at
Tue Sep 5 21:54:39 EDT 2000
Martin, if you have an airbag, you'll have a sticker on your driver's
visor advising you of it, as well as a marking saying either "SRS" or
"airbag" on the steering wheel pad.
If you don't have an airbag, the procedure is easy-
1. Pull firmly and evenly straight back on the steering wheel pad, pop
off the pad cover
2. Using a 24mm socket and appropriate extensions, etc., unscrew the
steering wheel nut
3. Using a long #1 Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the clamp that holds
the switchgear in place- the access hole is approx. 4 o'clock on the
switchgear piece looking straight at the steering wheel, and the screw
is oriented diagonal along the 4 o'clock line.
4. AFAIK, you will have to replace _all_ of your switchgear at once, as
it is all one-piece. I stand corrected if you can purchase the stalks
individually, but I have no idea how you disassemble/reassemble the
-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Martin W. N. Suryadarma
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 2:05 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: Changing light switch - 89 Audi 100
Hi, what tools do I need, and what are the procedures to replace a light
switch for my Audi?
Here is the condition, side markers are fine, high beams are fine, but low
beams don't turn on. Checked the fuses, all ok. So last resort is
headlight switch.
It's a 1989 Audi 100, I don't think it has airbag, but if you think
otherwise, please let me know. On the left side of the steering column,
there are two switches. The long one for signal + cruise control + high
beams, and the short one for side marker + headlights. I am trying to
replace the short one.
Do I need the 22mm or 24mm socket? And how do I open the thing apart?
Thank you very much beforehand.
An Audi Newbie,
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