When to throw in the towel

Marc Swanson mswanson at cisunix.unh.edu
Wed Sep 6 01:35:48 EDT 2000

> I think I have become the DON'T throw in the towel poster child.
> It only took 18 months of gnashing of teeth, posting stupid questions,
> pulling the motor twice (long story), basically swapping every
> swappable part
> (some twice), getting to know a tow truck driver very well
> (reverse that, he
> knew me- "Oh that Quattro again, where are you this time," he
> could drive to
> my house without directions), and last but not least the snide
> comments of
> neighbors and friends, to get my URQ sorted out.
> But by George I got it!

Alright Dennis!  I was hoping you wouldn't ACTUALLY sell the car in
frustration.  I know you came close but congrads for hanging in there!


/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+Marc Swanson                          +
+                                      +
+http://marcswanson.ne.mediaone.net    +
+                                      +
+87 4kcstq                             +
+85 4ksq  "the spare"                  +
+87 5ktq   donor (Parting out)         +
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */

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