Ronal paint codes/colors

Bill Elliott wcelliot at
Wed Sep 6 12:23:33 EDT 2000

<<Does anyone know the paint codes or colors for the Ronal 16 spoke
wheels for
mid 80's cars? I have 2 different color wheels. I have 4 sets. Two sets
15 inch, and two sets 14 inch. The 14s are from 85 CGTs and are a silver
The 15s are from the URQ (quite possibly not original) and a bone yard,
some are silver and some of them are more gold in color. The gold, if
serves are from early 5ks? At any rate, I would like to make them all
the silver color.>>

I've seen silver, white, and gold. Can't help you on the last two, but
Wurth Silver is almost a perfect match for the silver.  Clean up the
rims, rough up any smooth parts with 250-400 grit sandpaper, two or
three light coats of Wurth Silver and a couple coats of Wurth Clearcoat
(if you want the shine) and the rims will look good as new. The readily
available stuff in spray cans is lacquer, but it appears to hold up
amazingly well.

<<On another subject, what size tires is everyone running on the URQs. I
want to start another tire thread. but my URQ has 2 different sizes on
two sets of wheels, and I would like a compromise between the two. The
are 195/60/15, and 205/50/15. The 195s give correct speedometer readings

(larger dia. tire), but don't corner as well, and don't look as good on
car. The 205s corner better, and give the car a much more muscular
but screw up the speedo. I know the reasons for all of the above, but am

curious about others uses and preferences. Soooo, what's everybody else
running? The car is a daily driver and will probably never see the

Assuming six inch wide rims, the factory tire size was 205/60/15. The
195's are too small.  The other factory size (for the US) was 215/50/15
on eight-inch Ronals... but this will likely require rear fender rolling
on stock, pre-1984 cars.

I run 205/60/15 Hakka NRW's on 6" rims for winter. The widest I would go
on this rim is 215/55/15.

On my stock 8" rims, I currently have a set of old R-1's in 215/50/15.
I think I could safely go to 225/45/15... but in any case, I consider
the 8" Ronals too valuable to run on the street.

So my summer tires are 225/45/16 (could easily use 225/50/16, but I like
the smaller diameter) SP8000's on 16x7.5 Borbet "C". I have only one
pair of new SP8000's left and that will get me through next summer.
BTW, I often use these tires on the track where running R-rated tires
would automatically bump me up a class. I only hope I can find a
dual-use tire I will like as much (and, no, SP9000's won't cut it.)

BTW, my '85 UrQ is also a daily driver. The ride is a bit rough with the
225/45's on it, but is downright smooth and cushy as compared to my
friend's 2000 M-Coupe!

Hope this helps!
Bill Elliott
Lake Barrington, IL

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