Digest reply protocol

Motor Sport Visions Photography msvphoto at pacbell.net
Wed Sep 6 12:20:21 EDT 2000

While after great struggles last week I am now re-subscr*bed to the
digest I can see how replies to digest posts may get very confusing.
Last week while digest-impaired I found myself browsing archives to try
and keep up with the list and noticed that Mailman does not have "Re"
threads to follow like majordomo archives had. This alone makes for very
confusing archive browsing (and no thread connection at all there).

Now that I (finally) have digests coming again I find that over half the
content consists of hidden headers, footers, MIME and HTML crap, etc.
that all used to get filtered out of digests. In other words it is very
difficult to filter content out of the crap, follow a thread, and reply
where appropriate for us digesters. My hopes are that list admin can
help make this moh bettah els the digest version of the list is rather

Until digests start looking a little better, I would anticipate not much
in the way of reply protocol will happen. I'll try...but that's all I
can promise.

Mike Veglia
Motor Sport Visions Photography

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