Bleeding Brakes and ABS

Lino Valadas valadasl at
Thu Sep 7 18:09:44 EDT 2000

My Audi dealer has told me the same thing.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Per Lindgren" <lindgre at>
To: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: Bleeding Brakes and ABS

> Well, my German workshop manual ("So wirds gemacht") says the same thing,
> "ABS brakes MUST be bled by a competent workshop, as it requires special
> tools". I still bled them myself, but to be safe, I stopped at the dealer
> ask. The Shop manager told me that this was bull, just bleed them the old
> fashioned way.
> PerL
> 92 100 2,8q Avant
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