Need help with tracking down vibration.

Grant Lenahan gfl at
Fri Sep 8 17:46:22 EDT 2000

OK, my shots in the dark:

1) Wheels are balanced.  Fine.  Are they ROUND?
2) Driveshaft out of balance or out of alignment
3) tranny mounts so worn the diff is out of alignemnt
4) my personal favourite - might a burr on a hib cause 1 or more wheels not 
to seat properly?

ps: I've seen 3 of the 4 :-(

At 11:03 PM 9/7/00 -0700, Gordon Ilchuk wrote:
>To all the Diagnostic genius' out there,
>At times a vibration felt when driving. (it comes and goes all speeds)
>The car: 83 Audi 5000 Turbo Diesel.
>Repairs made in the last six months just to ready car for another 100,000 
>miles. (Engine pefect) (Trans. rebuilt two years ago)
>(the only part of vehicle I cannot fix internally is the transmission)
>Replaced both front drive shafts with reman. (lifetime war.)
>Replaced both front wheel bearings.
>Replaced both front struts and upper strut bearings etc.
>Replaced both rear shocks.
>Replaced rear brake shoes, inspected bearings, repack same.
>Replaced front pads and turned rotors.
>Inspected all rubber in front and rear that could possibly deteriorate.
>(When hard parts off car hit with hammer to hear for poss. crack).
>Inspected all ball joints and replaced rubber.
>Had four wheel alignment.
>Have lifetime wheel balance.
>Used to have clunk when turning and backing. Disappeared after front drive 
>shafts replaced.
>Used to have bad brake pedal vibration. Disappeared after discovery of 
>left front rear shoe disintegrating and replacement.
>NOW brake pedal vibration has returned slightly, and vibration felt in car 
>like a wheel bearing is loose or lug nuts not tightened down.
>BELIEVE ME. I have re-inspected everything. And I am stumped.
>I've worked on cars for many years and devote many hours to maintaining my 
>own drivers. (Unlike many mechanics whose cars get fixed last)
>Car has never been in accident. Never hit a pothole hard.
>And it has never been abused since I do not even let my own wife drive the 
>I have every Audi tool as I used to be with a dealer.
>I may have owners blindness.
>Suggestions welcome.
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Grant Lenahan
glenahan at
gfl at
gfl at

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