ETKA on Mac

coolian coolian at
Sun Sep 10 12:03:01 EDT 2000

> 1) Aindows APIs, and
> 2) An Intel chip

Not necesarily. My friend Tim Mcevoy runs his ETKA on Yellow Dog Linux on a 
mac, within VMWare, emulating an Intel x86, running WINE. 

> Running Yellow DOg (or any of the other mac linuxes) will NOT allow
> you to use WINE, because under it all, condition #2 is not satisfied.
> You have a powerPC chip.

See above.

> Also, careful grouping WINE with emulators.  The name WINE, after
> all, stands for "wine is not an emulator".  It maps APIs only, it
> does not emulate an intel x86 chip.

I thought a general discussion was better for the people who dont' know the 
difference between an emulator and a "program that maps APIs"..Wasn't looking 
to geek-out here, obvjously, I'm the only one.

> To run it on a mac, get the actual, slow-as-molasis emulator, virtualPC.

I swear, it's like peeing on a hydrant sometimes....


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