1 month storage

Thomas J. Donohue, Jr. donohue at netconnx.net
Sun Sep 10 22:17:31 EDT 2000

Eyvind...depends on how well you trust your family.  Knowing most of mine,
I would decide to remove the battery and preserve my car!  Your family
might be much more trustworthy.  Either way, have a good trip and we will
all be awaiting your return.  (You will probably have some adventures to
relate when you get back).  Regards, Tom Donohue

Eyvind Spangen wrote:

> I'll be away for 4 or 5 weeks starting Tuesday 12. I won't be able to
> drive the Audi during that time. What is best, removing the battery
> and leaving it there until I return, or having somebody in my family
> drive it once a week or so?
> --
> ES
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