Rear quarter window smashed by @$%&* thieves

Andrew Pawlisz APawlisz at
Mon Sep 11 11:16:41 EDT 2000

Hi Gang, after at least one previous attempt (not to mention break-ins
to neighbour's cars), my car was broken-into last saturday night. Boy,
am I @@#$%. This is in a city (Ottawa) which touts itself as a clean and
safe and in a country (Canada) which projects itself as idyllic and
crime-free. Interestingly, when I lived in the big bad USA and the down
and dirty NYC and Boston, I got neve broken into eventhough I parked the
car on city streets year-round. Never was anything stolen from me nor
would I ever fear for my personal safety. In Canada (Montreal and
Ottawa), on the other hand, I got two bikes stolen, one car, three house
break-ins, and three car break-ins. All that over 4 years. Canada's
pinko, blind-eye, lenient approach to crime has got to stop.

Has anyone any BTDT on replacing rear driver's quarter window? The
original looks glued or something. Can one get such a window from a junk
yard or does one need to go to the dealer? Should I just put in a piece
of plexiglass so if another "low-life desperado" breaks in, I will not
have to go through another window replacement? (It seems that car
break-ins are an extremely common occurence in this city). Forget about
me getting another radio, it is not worth the hasle.

Any suggestions in terms of preventing another break-in? Right now, I
feel like a basweball bat solution (did you know that some countries
slice off body parts for theft?)

Andrew, 88 5ksq
then Boston, MA (loved it)
now Ottawa (sucks)

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