Strange hookup on the A4?

Jonathan Brauer jonathb at
Mon Sep 11 15:43:11 EDT 2000

I can confirm. Connector in my 99.5 is under the dash; the one in the rear
is a decoy.


Kevin Schwab writes:
> Because I am never riding in the back seat, and because I don't smoke, I
> noticed this strange "plug type" recepticle located next to the rear ash
>  On the dust cover, there is a picture of an engine with an electical bolt
> it.
> When I look down inside, there doesn't seem to be any metal contacts.
> know what this is for?  A quick flip through the owners manual didn't
> anything.

Ti wrote:
It's the OBDII connector (On board diagnostic II).  You can plug a
VAG 1551/1552 or similar scan tool to look at the operation status
of the car's various systems.  I though, though, that only the early
A4s like mine has the OBDII connector in the rear ashtray.  The later
A4s are supposed to have them under the dash now?  Perhaps this is
why you don't see any electrical contacts because that connector on
your car is now just a decoy (:-)).  Anyone can confirm this?

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