tires for a 4kq?

Kwattro at Kwattro at
Mon Sep 11 23:08:04 EDT 2000

In a message dated 00-09-11 19:26:25 EDT, you write:

<< not a 205/55/15.  Or perhaps you
 have a specific reason for using 55 series instead of 50?

Don't.  I ran 205-55-15 Dunlop SP8000's on my CSQ, and they rubbed in the 
rear, regeared the car so that it wasn't fun around town, and made the car 
grab lines in the road like there was no tomorrow.  Cornering was overly 
impressive, but that's it.  I much prefer my 195-55-14 SP8000's that are now 
on the car (although they need constant rotation and rebalancing...)

Carter J
Kwattro at
1986 4000CSQ
1986 GT

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