Strange hookup in rear ashtray-A4

TheRingmeister at TheRingmeister at
Tue Sep 12 00:07:24 EDT 2000

That used to be where the hookup for the engine diagnostics plugged in in the 
earlier A4's.  I remember puzzling about that when we got our Avant, because 
the black cover had come off, and I wondered where the heck it came from.  
Happened to be vacuuming out the car and noticed the spot in the ashtray.  
The plug has been moved, but I can't remember to where off the top of my 
head.  I happened to ask the A4 forum group at audiworld and got an answer 
pretty quick.

Wylie Bean
90 cq
99.5 A4Avant 1.8Tq

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