mann filters...

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Tue Sep 12 15:07:10 EDT 2000

I would THINK they are.  Audi may use either MANN or MAHLE as a manufacturer but the parts guy may not know this.  It looks different and says Audi not Mann.  Make sense?   Anyhow, if Audi / VW use the same part then I bet the MANN's are as well.  In my experience, its usually Audi that has a different filter for different models and the aftermarket uses the same filter because there are only small differences.  

  IE...4kq and 5kt.  Turbo uses a different filter.  List consensus is that the Turbo filter is fine on 4kq but not the other way around due to bypass valve differences.  (Or something like that).  Now many of us believe that the Mann and Mahle turbo filters are great.  ANd some of us also like the Mobil One (some like Wix, etc)   These usually differ a bit more than the MAnn/Mahle filters but in the case of the Mobil 1 filter, its a very high quality filter media (arguable the best out there for normal filters) that flows well, has a good Anti-drain back valve, and I believe a bypass valve like the turbo.  Mobil 1 claims its good for 10,000 miles.  I still change them but it makes me feel good. :-)

  Anyhow,  the bottom line is,  I THINK they are the same for Mann if they are for OEM.




  Megasus at wrote: 
Recently I purchased a case of MANN oil filters for my 86 4csq. I also have 
an 1989 Jetta GL that I use as my work car (pizza delivery). When I used to 
use Fram (dear God) filters, the same filter was used by both my Quattro and 
my Jetta. However, I cannot get a straight answer from any of the dealers 
here or the foreign car parts specialists either. I called the local dealer 
and asked about Mann filters and the guy was like "Uh, well I don't know 
about Mann filters specifically." SO I asked if I walked in and he was going 
to sell me a filter, would they be the same for both cars or not? He said 
they would. But I thought Mann filters were the OEM on both cars, shouldn't 
the DEALER be selling OEM (i.e. Mann) filters to me? Anyways, enough of the 
drivel, I just need to know if the Mann filter an 89 Jetta GL takes is the 
same filter as an 86 4000csq. Thanks.

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Todd Phenneger
    83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
    84' 4ktq  fun but I'm sick of CIS.

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