Plan ahead - no Audi content

larry leung l.leung at
Tue Sep 12 20:41:10 EDT 2000

I feel for you Mike. 

Last month, we almost lost my dad. He fortunately had the foresight to plan, with my mom about the future. His good planning meant that, as my mom became overwhelmed with his situation, and the simultaneous sky attack on their home (and unfortunately, my Solo2 GTi) by nefarious weather elements, which had to be fixed, dad's good planning meant that it was possible for me and my brother to help keep things under control, even when we thought nearly all was lost. 

We thank the guy in the sky that dad had foresight, and we also thank him for giving my dad more quality time on this good earth. My thoughts are with you, your friend/partner and his family.


------Original Message------
From: Mike Arman <armanmik at>
To: quattro at
Sent: September 12, 2000 11:27:56 PM GMT
Subject: Plan ahead - no Audi content

No Audi content here, but something all listers should read.

Partner and friend of mine had a stroke in May, and is now in a nursing
home. His wife has exactly three questions: "When will he die? How much
money is there? Where is it?"

Unfortunately, he has no will, no guardianship, and no provision for
problems exactly like this. His wife holds ALL the cards, has complete
control over all his assets (among other things, she closed his office,
abandoning the entire contents to the landlord, and refuses to pay further
rent out of HIS account!), and there is NOTHING that can be done legally -
she's in total charge.

Please, people, draw up a will, and also make some provision for someone
you can trust to manage your affairs if you are not able to.

He never quite got around to it because his retirement plan was to live
forever, and now it is too late for him or anyone else to fix it.

Thanks for letting me vent a little.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman
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