4kq Control Arm Bushings & Simpson Motorsport

Steve Meyer quattroslm at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 12 18:18:31 EDT 2000

Hello from the great midwest everybody!

It's time to change my control arm bushings(ok, way
past time) and I can't remember how much it cost me to
have them done in my old 4kq. Does $150 for the front
sound reasonable? Anything else I should do while
having that done? Any special bushing other than OEM
replacement? Is this a hard job and should I have
attempted this on my own? Am I asking too many

Anyway...some of you know Simpson Motorsport of Iowa
City, they has Sport Quattro sitting there for months,
well they are no longer in business. The owner, Mr.
Simpson(not Homer), took a job at Zimmerman BMW of
Cedar Rapids, so they closed up shop in Iowa City. So,
I had the fun task of finding a new mechanic for this
bushing job. I sure miss driving by that Sport Q three
or four times a week!!! Just thought I'd pass this

'87 4kq
'84 4kq
possibly the ugliest cars on the list, but still proud
to drive them!

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