compression ratio, '88 5kcstq (motor)

Ken Keith auditude at
Tue Sep 12 18:16:36 EDT 2000

If I run a J&S Safeguard, would I still need or want the code 

Or rather a bigger question, is there any need or advantage to 
running a J&S Safeguard with a modified (okay, SJM) chip on an 
'88 5kcstq?  How about if I'm running 8.5:1 c/r?

Is the stock knock sensing ignition any comparison to the J&S, 
which is supposed to be really fast, and cylinder-specific.



Todd Phenneger <tquattroguy at> wrote:
> Heya,
>   I'm running 8.8:1 at 9psi with no problems.  I will run more but
> not till I get an IC in there.  On hot days it will ping at any
> thing over 9psi.  Pulls GREAT down low and really helps turbo
> spool up. 
>   I think you should be fine.  If you want just tell Scott and he
> can (probably, I dont want to speak for him) tweak the code a tad
> bit so the timing isnt quite so advanced but I think you should be
> fine at 12psi. 
> l8r
>   TOdd
>   Ken Keith <auditude at> wrote: 
> What would the repercussions be if I were to put a 2.5 liter bottom 
> end in my MC motor, with a compression ration of 8.5:1?
> Would I have to make any other modifications to compensate for it, 
> to keep it from blowing up or something?
> The way the car would be setup, ideally, would be with a SJM chip 
> and spring, free flow exhaust (3" straight pipe after the cat?), and 
> Bosch bypass valve.
> Would I need any custom code for the chip?
> Thanks,
> Ken
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> Todd Phenneger
>     83' ur-q (awaiting a 20vt)
>     84' 4ktq  fun but I'm sick of CIS.
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