stroker I5 details?

Marc Swanson mswanson at
Sun Sep 10 15:37:41 EDT 2000

Mr Pederson sent this to me and mentioned that it might not make it to the
q-list through his account so I'm leaving his message intact and putting my
responses inline..

> 1st Can your mail server / connect speed handle a @ 2.5meg download?  I'll
> email you the EC "Big Hearted Audi" article if you want.

yes, 2 megs is small change.  Send it along.

> 2nd - do an archive search on "stroker" or "2.6 liter" etc.  You
> should find
> a number of posts / discussions about the +/-'s & purported "recipes" for
> the job.

Yes, that's my next step.  I just wanted to see if there was any new
info/BTDT on this.

> 3rd take a look at TSR Racing's (Tim Styles) web site.  He's in England &
> has some 2.6 +/- 10valve swaps.


> If I ever get around to it I have a very
> "poor" quality fax copy of a small English "VW/something" magazine
> publication write up on one of his jobs - that I'll try to scan &
> convert to
> an e-mailable document.  It probably wouldn't survive another fax
> transmission in legible form.  FWIW, a lot of the performance gains TSR
> claims for their particular 2.6 liter version is / may be closely
> related to
> a lot of head & cam work that's done on the stroked engines 10v head.
> Something TSR sounds like, or at least claims they have a lot of
> experience
> (Port & Polishing) in doing.

I'm sure he'll P&P the head before putting the engine in.

> 4th there is at least one lister, "Malcolm" (?? I think) in England who's
> recently had one of TSR's engines done & did a lengthy road trip through
> Germany with the rest of the English mob.  He sounded very pleased with /
> about the change.

I think I remember reading that post.  Didn't he mention high oil temps or
the need for an oil cooler or something?

> 5th I think there is another here in the US, Scotty, who's done his own
> version.  But I think he falls kind of in the same category (a
> professional
> wrench) as TSR.
> 6th, at one time Oetinger offered a 2.6 liter swap or kit - I've
> never been
> able to find much information other than an old e-mail posting (circa 1990
> or so) that they had a kit to take a 2.2 or 2.3 liter up to 2.5+.  I've
> never run across anyone who's seen or run one of Oettinger's setups.

so the basic idea here is longer rods/lower pin height and increased bore?

> 7th I think I have offended the list gods, and may not be currently
> subscribe to the Audifans list, so if you get this & it doesn't show up on
> the main list, please feel free to post it up to the list - I'd like to
> follow  any responses of further BTDT's with respect to actual
> knowledge, or
> even just the rumors on experiences with running the 95.5mm
> stroked engines.
> PS - still looking for a "Fact or Fiction" answer to the story
> that there is
> also supposed to be a five (5) cylinder 92.8mm crankshaft out
> there?  I know
> there is a 4 cylinder VW version of this crank, but as far as
> I've been able
> to determine the existence of such in 5-cylinder form has been the figment
> of someone's fertile (or perhaps its "febrile") imagination!

Thanks Mike.  Anybody able to fill in the blanks here (in particular part



/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+Marc Swanson                          +
+                                      +
+    +
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+87 4kcstq                             +
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