Rear quarter window smashed by @$%&* thieves

Wallace White wallacewhite at
Wed Sep 13 08:17:27 EDT 2000

Andrew -

Sorry to hear of your experience. That happened to me two years ago. I
called a few junkyards till I found one that would sell me the rear
quarter window. The first said "Sure, but you remove it yourself, and
you break it, you buy it." No thanks, I said. The second would pull the
window themselves and sell it for $25. I went there and watched their
guys break one window and sweat for half an hour with the second
one--which they did successfully remove. An appropriately sized piece of
wire will do a good job of cutting the window out (yes, it's glued in),
with the wire wrapped around handles at either end and used as a saw. 

Removal is not fun or a sure thing, so try to find a junkyard that will
take care of it. Installing into your own car isn't too tough, though
it's tedious to clean up the old window fully. The Bentley describes the
process perfectly, though I didn't buy new spacers and such. The guys at
the auto glass shop where I bought the glue laughed when I asked if you
needed to have those little spacers. "Nah, you just glue it all in." And
it did work fine. It doesn't leak or make noises.

Good luck!

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 166k

cobram at wrote:
>  Andrew Pawlisz <APawlisz at> writes:
> > safe and in a country (Canada) which projects itself as idyllic and
> > crime-free. Interestingly, when I lived in the big bad USA and the
> > down and dirty NYC and Boston,
> To be fair...someone did steal the two center caps off my Audi 5KS last
> year at a Boston underground garage.
> > Has anyone any BTDT on replacing rear driver's quarter window? The
> > original looks glued or something. Can one get such a window from a
> > junk yard or does one need to go to the dealer? Should I just put in a
> If you do replace it or find somone else who will, please post the
> experience, as I have tried to remove these from Junkers in the
> past...and just gave up after a while, they seem to be pressed in very
> tightly.  I had all the trim off and a pry bar to one, under extreme
> pressure it didn't break, nor did it extracate itself.
> Cobram at Juno.Com
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