Xenon headlights

Mark Swisher m_swisher at uswest.net
Wed Sep 13 10:46:15 EDT 2000

The Xenon lights are awesome. Being of an age when my night vision isn't 
the greatest, they truly can be considered an effective safety feature. 
I'm sure the dealer could install them for you but its going to be very 
pricey. On my A6 they came with rear seat airbags and I think the option 
was around $700. Still, it's kinda cool to have teenage boys gawk and 
point at your car.



Original message:

This is an option I had kind of wanted on our new A4, but we picked a car
from the lot and I didn't get this one.  Anyone know if these lights can 
fitted after the fact?  Can the dealer do it?  Any price estimate?  Oh, 
more importantly, are these lights worth it?

TIA, Bob

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