Another Motor...

Bob mx at
Wed Sep 13 14:58:25 EDT 2000

I have a friend who has a 4000Q motor (out of the car). It was from a turbo
transplant.  Stock and complete. He's willing to give it away, just get it out of
his garage! Motor is located in Danbury Ct area.
he can be reached at clocke at
IUD, dont get ahold of me, contact him directly.


"Livolsi, Stephane" wrote:

> Stephane Livolsi
> Williams Lake, BC, Canada
> 86 5KTQ (If you don't know what it means, you aren't in the club)
> >----------
> >From:  R. Mair[SMTP:waves at]
> >Sent:  September 12, 2000 7:46 PM
> >To:    Quattro List
> >Subject:       FREE: several Audi Motors
> >
> >We are clearing out our wharehouse and found 2 or 3  5 cyl. motors. Nothing
> >trick, just normally aspirated 5k and one quantum mill. All of the ran before
> >being stored a year or two ago. We need the room and plan on throwing them
> >out for scrap if no one takes em. You'll need to pick them up, or else I can
> >arrange delivery for a fee. We are located in Reading Pa. I'll be away all
> >next week, so anytime the week following would be good. The only thing I ask
> >for is you bring me a 6 pack of GOOD beer, microbrews preffered ;-)
> >
> >rolf mair
> >
> >
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> ><BODY bgColor=#ffffff>
> ><DIV><FONT face="Gill Sans MT" size=3>We are clearing out our wharehouse and
> >found 2 or 3&nbsp; 5 cyl. motors. Nothing trick, just normally aspirated 5k
> >and
> >one quantum mill. All of the ran before being stored a year or two ago. We
> >need
> >the room and plan on throwing them out for scrap if no one takes em. You'll
> >need
> >to pick them up, or else I can arrange delivery for a fee. We are located in
> >Reading Pa. I'll be away all next week, so anytime the week following would
> >be
> >good. The only thing I ask for is you bring me a 6 pack of GOOD beer,
> >microbrews
> >preffered ;-)</FONT></DIV>
> ><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> ><DIV><FONT face="Gill Sans MT">rolf mair</FONT></DIV>
> ><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> ><DIV>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>
> >
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