Car advice

Thomas J. Donohue, Jr. donohue at
Wed Sep 13 18:19:52 EDT 2000

Bernie...couldn't agree with you more!  I have a good friend and fellow attorney
here in Western MA who is in dire need of a car, so I'm trying to help him out.
He has fallen in love with the look of the early-90s 100CS (hasn't actually
found one for sale, but there is a really nice pearl one that we pass on the way
to the court house in the morning).  He's in his mid 40s, and has been driving
GM products for years and absolutely cannot imagine himself learning how to
shift gears!  Won't let me teach him (Scared to death to try, actually).  (Now
that I think about it, maybe letting him learn on my 200q20v would not be such a
great idea.  I do have a 200k mile Isuzu pickup, though that would be perfect).
And he is one of the most aggressive trial attorneys in the county!  Guess we
can blame it all on his parents, huh?  Unless I can convince him to try it, does
anyone know of a good, low-mileage 93-or-so slushbox 100CS that's available?
Regards, Tom Donohue

Bernard Littau wrote:

> [snip]
> > My wife and I have a dear friend whose two sons are new(ish) drivers.  One
> > is fully capable of handling a manual tranny but the other she has serious
> > doubts about.
> [snip]
> IMHO :-), As dear friends, you should make sure son #2 is taught how to
> drive a stick to perfection, and make sure they buy a car with a manual
> transmission.
> I can't imagine being pigeonholed at 16ish as too lacking to drive a stick,
> and going through the rest of my life in automatic transmissions.  Shudder.
> You must rise to the occasion!  BTW, parents make the worst teachers when it
> comes to manual transmissions.  Don't take her word for it :-)  This is your
> chance to make a difference!
> Best,
> Bernard Littau
> Woodinville, WA
> '88 5ktq
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