80 typ 89 front bumber question

Jukka Majanen jiipm at sci.fi
Thu Sep 14 21:52:51 EDT 2000

Paavo wrote:

>I'm going to give my Audi 80 1.8E Quattro -88 a new look and I've got a
>fairly low budjet to go with so I've took a few good (in my opinion)
>candidates to serve as my Audi's new front bumber. So what do you think

>Paavo Torkkola, Somero, Finland

Hi P.T. !

RS-2 front? I think there are a couple of good sources for Your project in 
the Fi, too. Will soon check my files and get You those connections by 
e-mailing directly.

Audi people do it with the style. Whoops... I did mean something like; B-52 
tail doesn´t look good on those Corollas ;^)

My best
´91 cq

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