Vs: 350 HP Potential for CIS

Jukka Majanen jiipm at sci.fi
Thu Sep 14 22:55:57 EDT 2000

>In a message dated 9/14/00 11:21:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, jiipm at sci.fi 
><< #2:Buy a donor car. Connect two CIS:s (with injectors) in parallel  ;^)
> Not only kidding I´ve seen it: V8 big block with two 6cyl (two blocked)
> cis:s, one for each bank. The fuel and el. supplies were common. >>
>HMMM... Should have just used a 928 CIS Unit... Or 2 924's...


You´re right Jay. But Porsche parts -even the used ones, are $$$$:s, even 
it´s the same K-jetronic stuff . But the abandoned MC CIS from the junkyard, 
no problem, I think?

You cave me an idea, thanks. Been wondering, how to increase my 7A fuel
capasity ( ´91 coupe quattro ) before modifications. I´ll just buy some ´95  911
and take the ECU off there, yeah ;^)

Watch out, Subarus!

´91cq ( never fast, but super torque before the next spring
and thanks Scott, if You read this )

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