LAC!! RE: 16' performance tires on new A4
Chris Dyer
chrisdyer at
Thu Sep 14 20:45:37 EDT 2000
Rant #2: actually, summer tires and rwd/fwd are fine in snow--IF PEOPLE PAY
ATTENTION and drive according to the conditions! Hate to admit it
sometimes, but the DMV is right.
Even here in L.A., people aren't looking forward or leaving enough following
distance. Every day, multiple times a day on my commute are folks who zip in
the right lane (here, the fast lane), like me, but somehow miss that parked
car/bus/slow turning '79 Buick Electra/merge sign/etc., slam on the brakes
like it was a f**king surprise. Which it is if you're staring 6 ft. in
front of your car like most drivers.
Dan, can we start a I'm A Perfect Driver & Rant list?
Safety tip of the day: don't look at the car ahead of you, look at what's
ahead of it!
aaaahhh...much better (til 5pm).
>From: "TM" <t44tq at>
>To: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
>Subject: RE: 16' performance tires on new A4
>Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 23:37:08 -0400
>Like Jon said:
>Drive summer tires for 3 seasons and use dedicated snow tires for the
>winter. All of these stories about how you managed in the snow on your
>SP8k/PZero/etc. are pointless. Summer tires are not designed for use in
>the snow and can be hazardous to use as such. My friend drove around on
>RE71s on his Jetta GLI for a few winters, in the snow. Is that advisable?
>No. Did it work for him? Yes, barely.
>Last winter, I was tooling around in fairly deep snow (for these parts)
>of 5-6" on the ground and the only vehicles that were on the road
>(besides crazy quattro drivers like me) were SUVs. I had dedicated snows
>and even still needed to lock my diffs in order to get out of one
>bad parking spot. If I had summer tires, there was no way I was getting out
>of that spot.
>I wish the idiots who drive around on summer tires in the snow would just
>stay home and off the roads. Too many idiots caused accidents last winter
>because of that. I saw an M3 nearly cause a multi-car accident by almost
>sliding into a stopped row of cars at an intersection because Mr. Idiot
>decides that an M3 w/ MXX3s is an acceptable car for 4" of snow on the
>Sorry for the rant.
>-----Original Message-----
>Just to add a little BTDT experience (though I am sure there are others
>much more), I used my SP8000e equipped A4q in DC during the winter of
>1998-99. I drove on a number of icy roads/bridges and they weren't the
>_best_ tires for the job. They were adequate, but I am sure it was quattro
>compensating for me using the wrong tools for the job. But, with only 1-2
>icy/snowy days happening in DC, I was ok. Last year a number of new TT/S4
>owners took their Bridgestone summer tire-equipped cars onto icy roads and
>smashed them up.
>njconn at
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