Beware the Boneyard...

Riley . nt530 at
Thu Sep 14 21:07:27 EDT 2000

I to have good experiences with "Dads".  They have always seemed pretty 
knowledge able to me, and have even gave me good advice on what I needed to 
fix my car and saved me money. Not to mention they stand behind almost all 
the parts they sell.

As with most any thing I buy, I comparison shop to find the best price 
before I spend my money. If I find parts cheaper I buy them some were else.  
I do not hold it against them if they are not the best deal, because I 
realize they have a business to run and need to get what they think they can 
get for the parts.

It has also been my experience that most audi recyclers sell the bumpers as 
complete units with filler lights and all, and dealers usually sell you the 
skin only.  Maybe that would explain the price difference

"Cobram ." wrote:
>Ameer Antar <ameer at> writes:
> > I've actually had decent experience w/ Dad's. They have much lower
> > prices than the dealer. I don't understand how it could be $650 more.
>Well they were.  And that's WITHOUT shipping.
> > Unless it's
> > some obscure part. As far as Audi 5000 parts they are very
> > reasonable
>Not unless you consider a bumper, radiator support, headlights and
>articles of this nature  "obscure".  The bumper alone was $400 more for a
>used one "with scratches" than Clair gets for a NEW one.  5K parts are at
>a point where you can't give them away half the time, and your dealer is
>probably charging you full list, would be one explanation in your case.
>I posted exactly as it transpired, with no embellishments.  Their motto
>(and Shokans-based on posts) should be "supply your own Vaseline" as far
>as I'm concerned.
>Cobram at Juno.Com
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