In Praise of Junkyards

Steve Jensen sjensen at
Fri Sep 15 00:42:35 EDT 2000

Re: Dad's in California

All I can say is: do your homework.  Call the dealer first, find out how
badly they need to make their boat payment by gouging you, then call around.
Dealer says the top radiator hose lists for $70?  Riiiight.  You'll find a
better deal somewhere else, the question is: how much is your time worth?
You may not have time to research it into the ground when your
transportation is laid up.  However, if you haven't done your homework, and
Dads (or anyone else) says their price is $$$ and you find it later through
the Parts Connection or Carlesens for much cheaper, then unfortunately its
you own fault.  Live and learn, then don't make the mistake again.

The only reason why Shokan and Dad's charge the prices they do is because
they know from past experience that someone, somewhere is willing to pay
that price.  And that's how they stay in business.

Me personally, I am lucky enough to drive a 5ktq, and the 5k series is
plentiful at my favorite "el cheapo" junkyard:  all metal radiator - $35,
looks new.  Turbo after run pump that still has that new gold sheen - $3.50
cause they call it a heater valve, hey who am I to argue?  They are cheap,
so I do my part by patronizing them often to help them stay in business.
And when I do run across the less common models like the 90's, I let my
local list brethren know about it (right Elliott?).  In addition, my parts
car has done a terrific job of keeping the repair bills low, if you are
lucky enough to have this luxury I highly recommend it.

Newbie note - if you are new to visiting junkyards, remember this: do _not_
wear nice clothes to the junkyard.  Bubba at the junkyard has to make his
boat payment too, and he's happy to let you pay it for him.

Big Audi weekend for me coming up, oil cooler and lines for the wagon,
radiator and Pentosin change out for the sedan.  And if I need some obscure
part I will probably be visiting the junkyard as well.

Hope your weekend is as much fun as mine promises to be!

-Steve Jensen
87 5kcstq
87 5kcstqw

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