Bottom engine cover on 90s

Per Lindgren lindgre at
Sat Sep 16 02:37:36 EDT 2000

Remi Kwan wrote:

> Another plus:  up here in Montreal we can get a lot of snow at times.  After
> a big snow storm, that engine cover helps avoid an engine bay packed full of
> snow!

I remember a few years ago, I did a tune-up on a friends Peugeot 309. After
replacing plugs etc. and re-timed the engine, I took it for a spin (literally).
This was in January, so we naturally had snow up here. I was going up a hill,
about 60 kph when I heard some strange noises under the hood. Then the engine
died. I rolled a bit backwards to get over on the shoulder, and got out and
pooped the hood. There was snow everywhere! The problem was the bottom cover had
fallen off in the front (mounted in front and rear only), acting like a giant
scoop, shoveling a lot of snow onto the rear side of the engine, which also
caused it to die. After cleaning as much out as we could with our hands (me &
the owner) we barely got it started again, the snow was packed extremely well.
We had to rinse the rest out with hot water.

92 100 2,8q Avant

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