Stumbling at high boost at at
Sun Sep 17 00:38:39 EDT 2000

> The resistance of this sensor is low, around 25 ohms so good connections
> are critical for accurate ignition timeing.

The specification is 13 to 33 ohms at ambient.  It's the only soldered
joint on the car ex-factory, and the most troublesome - it probably
accounts for 80+% of all WR performance problems.  These days we don't
resolder it - we strip back and crimp two female car speaker connectors
to the harness lines, then cut off the spot-welded contacts from the
sensor using a pair of flush-cut wire cutters.  If you neaten up the
sensor contacts with a needle file, the speaker connectors (slightly
opened) just slide on.  The job is completed with some heat-shrink
over each connector.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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