Why does Bentley warn against widening slit at bottom of strut assembly?

Orin Eman orin at WOLFENET.com
Sun Sep 17 17:16:27 EDT 2000

> Orin Eman <orin at WOLFENET.com> writes:
> > Problem is that if you widen the slit, the recommended torque on
> > the bolt may not be enough to clamp the ball joint in place 
> > securely.
> So it doesn't really matter then, I've yet to see a torque wrench taken
> to those bolts.  Just drive nut home till it can'ts go no mo.  Any
> mechanic that tells you he torques all the bolts to factory specs lying,
> or doing charity work.

That bolt is too small for that treatment.  If you give the slot a
permanent set, it is likely that you cannot get enough torque on
the bolt without breaking the bolt.


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