water cooled turbo conversion

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Mon Sep 18 02:26:29 EDT 2000

In a message dated 9/17/00 7:18:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time, GMBCHEF at aol.com 

<< Hi all. I just opened my package from Shokan with my water cooled turbo 
 conversion kit. In it I got a turbo, with a little bit of side to side play, 
 felt by my fingers, not properly measured, two oil lines from filter bracket 
 to oil cooler, a oil line from block to turbo, an oil filter bracket that 
 only mounts one filter, another, smaller oil line with the passage blocked 
 off, and the water inlet housing that mounts on the head for the upper 
 radiator hose.( Has a couple extra sensors on it). This is all for a 85 
 It seems to me that i recieved parts i don't need and didn't recieve some 
 parts that i do need. Am I right? What should be included to do this swap 
 properly?  >>

    You did not mention both water lines, the one to the freeze plug and the 
other to the water outlet on the head-you definitely need those.  Also, what 
do you mean by the oil line with the passage blocked off??  You will need the 
oil feed line that goes from the oil filter housing to the top of the turbo 
bearing section.  What about the oil cooler, will you be able to use your 
stock ur-q cooler or did they provide you with an MC cooler?  Other than 
those 3 or 4 pieces, sounds like you have everything.  Still got that aux. 
radiator in there?  You will need it.

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