anyone see this?

Jon Linkov njconn at
Mon Sep 18 17:15:17 EDT 2000

My father uses the firestones on his Blazer (the same ones under question)
and uses Firestones on his 1996 Corvette LT-4.

He hasn't had any problem with the tires on the Blazer. BUT, he isn't a
typical SUV owner:
A) He doesn't drive it like it's a sedan or expect it to handle like one
B) He diligently checks the air pressure
C) He drives is normal speeds (particularly since there are two Corvettes at
his disposal for fast driving).

As such, he hasn't had a problem. What is funny is that the Firestones on
his Corvette are widely viewed (in the 'Vette circles) as great
track/performance tires, without going to $400 plus per tires brands.

The BIG issue here is the insistence of the general public to have a vehicle
based on a truck that handles like a car/sedan. Ford is wrong, Wrong, WRONG
to sell a vehicle like the Explorer and market it as if it drives like a
car. They then tell owners to inflate the tires to 26 p.s.i., which is about
10 psi lower than the manufacturer specifies, to keep the vehicle from
rolling over! Add in the fact that most (I'd say 95%) of SUV drivers are
morons who hurtle down the road at 10-30 mph over the limit -- loaded down
with video consoles, bikes, toys, bags, a family of 5 -- on tires that are
probably event LOWER (psi-wise) than 26 psi, since most owners couldn't put
air in their tires if given an instructional video. Viola! A major
catastrophe in the making.

njconn at
'96 A4q

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> Behalf Of Buchholz, Steven
> Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 3:54 PM
> T>

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