Window Regulators (5k), an easy, cheap fix

Devon McBride devonmcb at
Mon Sep 18 14:20:08 EDT 2000

After having spent mucho hours on my window
regulators, trying to fix them myself w/out having to
buy a new one I discovered one silly, easy easy, cheap
cheap way to fix them.  

The motors are always fine.  
THe mechanism's always fine--except for a little
pastic thingy that the cable goes through.  This
plastic thingy gets brittle and snaps, eventually
getting ground up in the cable-coil housing. 

THe plastic thing lets the cable pass through it and
also is able to move a bit in and out of the coil
housing.  Also, htere's a **spring** that fits on one
side of the plastic thing, like a pen cap fits on a

THere's no way to replace the plastic thing.  I tried.
 So rather than supporting the spring from the
*inside* like the plastic thing does, I supported it
from the *outside* with about a two inch (or so)
length of copper pipe/tubing. 

Get a small length of copper pipe/tubing--the kind
used in American homes for plumbing.  I forget, but
it's about 1/2 inche in diameter.  

You'll have to open the cable-coil housing to un-do
the cable to thread the cable through the tubing.  

(Drawn from memory, so it's not exactly right(motor
might be in a diff. place), but the cable entry point
is what's important)

                    smush copper tubing firmly to     
         _______________ / 
 ------||\-\-\-\-\-\-|___|                 |       |
         _______________  \  the cable     | motor |
               |           \    coils      |_______| 
               |            \  in here     |
 copper tubing supporting    \             |
 the spring w/cable inside    \            |
 no plastic is w/in spring     \           |
 but (maybe)keep plastic bit    \__________|
 at entry to housing (I forget)  |  |
                                 |  |
         White plastic piece---->|__|
         spring surrounding      \||\
           plastic piece-------->\||\

'86 Audi 5000s  (|___\====OOOO====/___|)

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