suvs.....Re: anyone see this?
Ameer Antar
ameer at
Tue Sep 19 00:56:49 EDT 2000
>Extreme weight? An Explorer weighs about 300lb more than an A6 wagon.
yes, wagons weigh quite a bit more than most a4's and passat's, and what
about durango and expedition???
>My garage has an A4 and a '99 Passat. Quite frankly, both suck from a
>standpoint. I can carry things in them but the interior will get hacked. I
there must be a reason for why these were purchased then.....?
>had a
>hard time with a couple of speakers and a receiver a couple of months ago.
>A Passat
>wagon would have been better but in '99 they didn't have one with a V6
>(stupid). A
>recent shed building project has required the assistance of my father's
>Expedition and
The SUV's are too nice to put wood and haul stuff in. A lot of SUV owners
ask for leather. There's no utility in that. purely luxury. don't you think
trucks would be more suited to haul wood and carry junk? and there are
quite a few caps that emulate the space of SUV's. The thing is not that
SUV's are really bad, it's the purposes they seem to be used for. There are
just too many people using SUV's as racers, and as daily commute vehicles.
Trucks and large vehicles are not suited for either application, esp. when
you have people riding these things w/o any inkling of how you handle a
truck or bus, and pay no attention to simple maintenance items. Not saying
this is you or anyone else, but some people were just meant to ride civic's
and opinion...
>The reason SUV's exist is part fashion and part necessity. THey serve the
>same need as
>station wagons did in the 60's and 70's. This is because FWD unit body
>vechicles suck
>for purposes such as towing.
>As for me, there will be a Toyota Tundra in my driveway sometime next year
>and I'll keep
>both the cars.
>Paul Wilson
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