UK Fuel Crisis Part II

Muhammad Sohaib Bukhari xsohaib at
Tue Sep 19 20:29:04 EDT 2000

I was just wondering, have the gas station raised the fuel prices since 
there is a shortage and the demand is high! Or does England have a standard 
rate for gasoline.

Sohaib Bukhari
84 4ksq

>In an interview published in the press this morning the UK Chancellor of 
>Exchequer made a particularly ill-judged statement to the effect that he
>wouldn't react to popular pressure and would ignore any deadlines set by
>fuel protesters. This started a number of people speculating that the fuel
>protesters would take action, this rapidly became a country-wide rumour
>passed by e-mail and phone that the fuel depot blockades had been reformed.
>A national characteristic of the British is a stoic and phlegmatic
>temperament, so panic ensued -  huge queues formed at filling stations once
>again, with the result that many stations ran dry while others closed down
>to conserve stocks.
>Were there any blockades?
>Makes fuel tax protests easier in future doesn't it...........
>Jim Haseltine
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