anyone see this?

Jon Linkov njconn at
Wed Sep 20 08:18:16 EDT 2000

Of course, I didn't say he wasn't going to ditch them. BUT, all the
complaints are for tires from a certain factory (not sure which one his
tires are from) and I haven't heard of any complaints from Chevy Blazer
people with these tires. Perhaps Chevy's supply came from a different
factory? Also, his vehicle isn't new. It's 3-4 years old.

My point is, even without having a tire problem, most SUV owners/drivers are
maintenance-ignorant. They'd drive on flat tires if the truck had a nice
ride. And they'd pay the dealer for 1 hour of labor to put air in all 4

njconn at
'96 A4q

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rave Racer 2000 [mailto:Ravewar at]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 2:53 AM
> To: Jon Linkov; Buchholz, Steven; 'qlist'
> Subject: Re: anyone see this?
>         If you did have any problems, Hypethetically say, there's a good
> chance your headstone would be the only thing to complain.  I know they're
> not the best, cheapest, best, nicest handling, or even the best,
> but I used
> Cooper Cobras on my Jetta last winter and made it through some snow storms
> up here in the Lake effect of Canada (Bermuda triangle of
> winters) that some
> ignorant SUV drivers thought they could make it through.  THEY
> BOB!  The only other reason I made it through is because of my ice racing
> experience on a 100cc two stroke Quad racer (not Quattro but Way cool).
> RR

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