88 80Q brake fluid reservoir cap

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed Sep 20 16:29:46 EDT 2000

I'll bet Chris Semple      chris at force5auto.com    could get you a used 
one.  As long as the cap isn't letting dirt into the reservoir, I can't 
imagine the crack would be any problem.  The only possibility would be if 
the crack expanded, the top fell off and dirt got in as a result.

At 11:37 AM 09/20/2000 -0500, Dr. Cory Brayton wrote:

>I opened my hood to check oil for 1st time since my car returned from having
>AC compressor etc redone AGAIN a few weeks ago & noticed that cap to brake
>fluid reservoir was cracked -- in a circle, as if it had been cranked down
>too hard -- dealer/service place says that they don't have part & can't find
>it in their catalogs -- of course they claim no responsibility & I know that
>would be too much to expect, tho I've never open or shut the reservoir &
>they are the only place to have worked on it (5 times?) in last 6 months &
>they changed brake fluid 2 or 3 visits/months ago
>Any ideas where to get the part?
>Is it really not available?
>How bad is it to run car with the crack?  levels look OK
>Thanks again
>Cory B
>88 80 Q
>Houston TX
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