need part # description, help!

David Head dave.head at
Thu Sep 21 16:47:45 EDT 2000

Thats even a slight bit high - I get them down in FL locally for 16.80 each.

Jokeree at wrote:

> 034-903-555-B what is this? Bushing/wahser kit for tie-rod maybe?
>     I went to the dealer to get a front end alignment done and they said it
> couldn't be done because I needed to have my tie-rods replaced. Dealer price
> $172.82 for both front tie-rod ends. I called Rod at TPC and he quoted me
> $39.50 for both. I think I'll choose the latter option.....
>     The dealer gave me a list of part numbers with their price quotes for the
> tie-rod ends, but the third I have know idea what it is. The guy that wrote
> down the prices did a crappy job of it. So the mystery pasrt listed above
> costs (i think) $10.37 or $103.70 from Audi.
>     Thanks for any help....
>     Dave Farrer
>     '91 200 turbo
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