88 80Q Fluid Cap -- thanks & update

Dr. Cory Brayton cbrayton at bcm.tmc.edu
Thu Sep 21 16:13:47 EDT 2000

Thanks very much to all who replied -- as always the replies are great & I
apologize for bothering the list with my trivia -- the upshot is

Brake fluid does not seem to be leaking/spewing nasty stuff all under my
hood (yet)

When I told dealer about parts & prices from various sources they
miraculously decided they could get it by next week.

They admitted that brake fluid was hygro/hydroscopic & fluid should be
changed -- tho I don't know how long cap has been broken I suspect since its
last visit to them

They agreed to replace cap + change fluid at no charge -- after I agreed to
do oil change + Inspection 1 month early so they can gouge me there

I fully understand that plastic/rubber parts under hoods cook and age,
especially quickly in this climate (where we have been for only 2 years) --
I have been pleased to replace anything/everything that they said needed
replacing -- if they had told me to replace it I would have been happy to
pay for it, esp when I asked to have brake fluid changed for no good reason
except that I did not think it had been done for a while (5+ years?)-- I am
peeved/pi**ed that they did not tell me when they broke it, or just replace
it & not tell me -- prob same guy did it who took all my $1 toll coins from
the ash tray + broke my glove box + Scratched  my paint so I had to bring it
back again to get that fixed

oh well -- Thanks again.

Cory B
88 80Q
Houston TX

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