Amount of pentosin in a 1987 5kcstq system

Ryan Gemmill rglist00 at
Fri Sep 22 02:03:27 EDT 2000

Joshua - I am not certain, but I believe it is around 4 or 5 quarts in my
200. That system should hold the same amount of fluid as your 5kcstq. Get
another opinion, but don't get caught with the system empty and not enough
fluid to fill it.


----- Original Message -----
From: Joshua Van Tol <josh at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 6:39 PM
Subject: Amount of pentosin in a 1987 5kcstq system

> Does anyone know how much pentosin is in the system on a 1987 5kcstq?
> I'm changing the rack soon, and I need to know how much to order. I
> think 2 liters would be enough, but I'm not sure.
> --
> Joshua Van Tol -- josh at
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