4K Weather stripping:

Cory Meyer cmeyer at jumpgate.net
Sun Sep 24 17:56:51 EDT 2000

I priced the weatherstripping for my 85' 4kq and was quoted $150 a 
door.  I've checked with Rod at thepartsconnection.com and he said it was a 
dealer only part.     SO....   I spent $30 at a local junk yard for a good 
set of stripping out of a 4ks and door handles.


At 02:23 PM 9/24/00, you wrote:

>Bill:  The wind noise in my 4000Q is like riding in the back of a pick-up
>truck. I was toying with the idea of cuting a spare seal and splicing it
>into the door frame area as mine has shrunk over time. If the splice is down
>by the foot of the door sill, is that a bad idea?  The old one will probably
>pull right out and only need new adheasive.
>-Scott BOSTON
>From: Bill Phelps <wphelps at rizzo.com>
>To: "'quattro at audifans.com'" <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: Weatherstripping woes
>Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 12:20:22 -0400
>Anyone know a supplier for the driver's door weatherstrip for an 87 4KCSQ? I
>hear it's NLA, but don't want to try the dealer ($$$). I've looked in some
>scrap yards, but its all pretty much junk. Has anyone tried a "universal"
>weatherstrip from J.C. Whitney???
>TIA        Bill
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