"Air" Holes in air filter box.

GMBCHEF at aol.com GMBCHEF at aol.com
Sun Sep 24 21:04:03 EDT 2000

Here's what i did: 
 I got the air induction funnal from behind the pass. sied headlight out of 
my 4kq parts car, some dryer ducting from the local hardware store. 
  I unhooked the intake hose from the airbox on my driver 4kq, mounted the 
dryer ducting and zip- tied up the air intake funnel behind the lower grill 
on the passenger side under the bumper. Seems to get better throttle response 
now. This way there is 
no hot air from engine compartment gettring to intake and no debris either. 
  oh yea, I also took the screen from the interior intake and trimmed it to 
fit over the intake funnel. 
 Hope this helps!
Gary Brown

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