Quattro digest, Vol 1 #188 - 22 msgs

Ed Skladany eskladany at home.com
Mon Sep 25 01:08:12 EDT 2000


BE CAREFUL:  It sounds like you've lowered the intake to a dangerously
low height, leaving you open to destroying your engine if you ever
go through a deep water puddle.  It could suck the water right into your
engine and bend all the important bits.  I believe it's called hydrolock.

Ed Skladany
'93 90S
(ex: '84 4000S)

> Message: 18
> From: GMBCHEF at aol.com
> Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 20:04:03 EDT
> Subject: Re: "Air" Holes in air filter box.
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Here's what i did:
>  I got the air induction funnal from behind the pass. sied headlight out of
> my 4kq parts car, some dryer ducting from the local hardware store.
>   I unhooked the intake hose from the airbox on my driver 4kq, mounted the
> dryer ducting and zip- tied up the air intake funnel behind the lower grill
> on the passenger side under the bumper. Seems to get better throttle response
> now. This way there is
> no hot air from engine compartment gettring to intake and no debris either.
>   oh yea, I also took the screen from the interior intake and trimmed it to
> fit over the intake funnel.
>  Hope this helps!
> Gary Brown
> 864kq
> 85Ur-q

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