Need quick fix to rear cig lighter

Stephen Bigelow sbigelow at
Mon Sep 25 22:59:44 EDT 2000

Have you checked the obvious...i.e. the kiddie switch? Assuming they still
have those in the later models, I know my '84 has one. Shuts off the rear
power windows, and the lighter.

> rear cig lighter on my 89 200tqa not working.  normally wouldn't care but
> 5 yr old son is into music right now and takes his walkman everywhere and
> loves to listen to his OWN tunes in the car.  i bought him a 12 volt
> so he won't drain his  batteries but of course the rear lighter socket
> appears defective.  front one works but the adapter gets in the way of
> shifting.  any easy/simple btdt's?  thanx.

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