oil filter conversion, diesel oil filter (large)

Stephen Bigelow sbigelow at sprint.ca
Tue Sep 26 07:19:39 EDT 2000

> Boys and girls,
> I took some photos for one of our listers regarding fitting a large oil
> filter (diesel) to some of the type 44.
> If somebody is interested let me know (I can't send it direct to the
> and I will send you the photos, there is an added bonus, you get to see my
> lights in action!

Is this a bypass filter you've added?

Or is adding the large filter to the turbo cars tricky as opposed to the N/A
Or is this some kinda Franken-filter?

Adding a Diesel-sized Amsoil SDF (66% larger outside volume!) to Audrey was
just a filter swap.

Steve Bigelow

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