wheel bearing query

Peter Berrevoets pjberr at home.com
Tue Sep 26 16:59:56 EDT 2000

Have the same symptom, long sweeping righthand curves on the highway
eliminate a rear wheel bearing hum. The sound however seems to come from the
left on mine under straight line travel.

Would be curious to know if indeed it is the left bearing on yours.

BTW - how much did they charge you?

1990 200TQ

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com]On
Behalf Of Jon Blake
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 11:29 AM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: wheel bearing query

Would appreciate the list wisdom on the following.  Dropped off my '86
4kcsq at a local shop to have the right rear wheel bearing replaced as I
lack a press at home.

Get a call at work - how do I know it's the right rear? I respond that on
nice resonant asphalt there is a perceptable hummm from right rear, when I
turn left (thereby loading the right) the sound increases noticeably, when
I turn right is almost goes away completely. Shop tech says that would
indicate left rear, says loading a bearing that's on the way to failure
usually quiets it.  This seems counterintuitive to me.

BTW, I still had them replace the right rear. To keep things interesting
I'll not post whether or not it was the right rear until I hear from you
guys. *:)

	- jon

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