Unknown Burning Smell

Matthew Caprio caprio at flash.net
Tue Sep 26 23:55:17 EDT 2000

Lately (last two times driving the car) I had a strange, strong burning
smell outside the car after I shut down.  Did not notice the smell inside
the car at all.  First time was after a 2 hour drive, second time was after
a short (10 minute) drive.

I looked around and saw nothing apparently causing the smell.  Radiator
cooling fan still seems to be running normally, all lights functioning
normally.  Where should I look?

Smell is sort of hard to place... Sort of smells like you left the
soldering iron on for about an hour..  not oil smell, not electrical smell,
not coolant smell..  Car is NON turbo 5000sq


Thanks in advance
88 5ksq
Matthew Caprio
Austin, TX

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