Good driving roads in Vermont?

Alexander van Gerbig Audi_80 at
Wed Sep 27 20:00:16 EDT 2000

    Drive the notch, no doubt that that is beautiful and fun if the road is
clear, snicker snicker >:-)

    In my area, North Ferrisburg, 20 minutes south of Burlington, there are
some tasty country roads.  Mt. Philo Rd, Spear St. Extension, and many more
that I can't name off the top of my head.  I actually just took Mt. Philo
road back from UVM.  I happened behind a new Passat wagon.  Both of us were
stuck behind two slower cars, Saab 9-5 and a Porsche 911, so we decided to
both do the double pass.  We hit around 90mph passing and I slowed, but the
Passat continued to speed up.  I decided to play along and stomped on the
gas.  We burned through the country side at 90mph+.  What a beautiful drive,
surely stretched my car's legs out today.  The Passat pulled of onto a side
street and the driver waved back and I flashed my lights, I like that sort
of thing.

Alexander van Gerbig -- '88 80

The Audi  80 Pages-----------------

North Ferrisburg, VT 05473

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