AM static

Thu Sep 28 19:31:22 EDT 2000

Ok- I have had enough Mcallan tonight that I can't keep quiet. First, the 
alternator in your car makes noise that will effect FM as well as AM. Second, 
if your car has the wires in the window as opposed to a whip type antenna, 
then you may be suffering from a broadcast polarization issue. This coupled 
with low signal strength will manifest itself it the symptoms being quoted. 
Having said that, if you have an ignition problem (voltage having to go very 
high to effect a spark), the AM band is a good way to ID the problem. You 
must of course have established a good baseline first. If you have wires in 
the glass, I suggest you go to a powered whip type antenna. HTH
Frank Santoro
1990 V8
1998 A8

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