'88 5KSQ (Type 44) Brake Problems

Matthew Caprio caprio at flash.net
Thu Sep 28 18:44:19 EDT 2000


My car (885ksq) does the SAME thing... I think it's the Bomb.  I know you
said yours is new but, it could still be bad.  How "new"?  I've heard of
people's going bad after only a year.  I even heard of a guy thinking he
could buy a "good" used one for $5.  I hope that wasn't the one you bought.

Here's what my car does:
At IDLE, if I hold the pedal down, it will go (slowly) all the way to the
floor, and pulsate slightly on the way down.  Then the brake warning light
will come on.  I think if you connect your switch, it will do the same.  If
I am running the car at >2krpm, it will NOT go to the floor.  Then, if I
shut the car off, the pedal goes rock hard instantly, and will NOT go to
the floor.  I guess it COULD be the MC, I've just always figured that since
my bomb gives dead symptoms, that it's the cause of the pedal being able to
go all the way down.  It doesn't totally make sense to me where the fluid
is all going when the pedal goes down, but then again, it doesn't make
sense to me that you should be able to consume the accumulated fluid in a
good bomb with the engine off by pumping it either...  SOMEBODY correct me
too if I'm wrong about all this.  And Chris, if your bomb IS STILL GOOD,
(you get about 20 pedals out of it with the engine off), then let me know,
because that would indicate that our problem is servo or MC.  Hell, maybe
it's the damn pump.  I guess I'm not sure.  I bet that was of help!?!


At 01:12 AM 9/28/00 GMT, you wrote:
>The brake pedal on my '88 5KSQ will slowly go to or near the floor if I hold 
>pressure on it.  The warning light switch on the servo for the Autocheck 
>system is disabled.  The car has a new pump and pressure accumulator 
>("bomb").  In a normal car, I would suspect the master cylinder.  But what 
>is the "brake servo"?  That is the thing between the pedal and the master 
>cylinder.  What does it do?
>At about 120K miles, I am ready to replace the master cylinder.  No rebuilds 
>for this critical part.  Should I also replace the servo?
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88 5ksq
Matthew Caprio
Austin, TX

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